I've now officially started back at work! I work at a dental office as an office manager/coordinator 3 days a week which i la la loove that schedule! my boss just gave me a really NICE raise for coming back to work (he was afraid i was gonna stay home with baby so i got rewarded! hehe). I now work Monday, tuesday and Thursday. Thor works Tuesday through Saturday so he stays home with miss oakley while i'm at work. On tuesdays and Thursdays Oaks goes to our friend Rachels house. Rachel is my sisters boyfriends sister. She is so fabulous! her baby is one years old and so she has everything Oakley needs at her house. i just take over bottels and milk! She is such a good friend and a good sitter!!
Oakley has started something new... she has decided to get up and scream every other hour! the last two nights the only way we could get her to sleep was by having her sleep in our bed with us! oh geezse looks like were gonna have to upgrade form a queen to a king!!
Thor and i start school next week!! Thor is gonna go back FULL time and he is gonna become a med tech! after that he is gonna continue on and get his dr's in pathology. i'm gonna take a couple of online classes and get my generals out of the way since i'm more then half way there. So life is gonna get even more crazy with working, school and a new baby! i'm very excited to continue this lack of sleep program i'm on hahaa!
Just to brag on thor.... he got a semi promotion at work! he now is the official individual who does all the training for his lab! and next month he gets promoted to lab tech 2! it pretty much means he is doing great at his job and moving up in the company!

Oakley at Rachels and her gaurd dog!!

Oakley and Rachels baby Ella! there BFF's
Oakely at the Shower being stinkin cute!

Wow looks like your life is full of adventure!! Way to go you two getting raises!!! I bet you need it after spoiling oakley so much!! =) She's adorable
Looks like you learned from the best, 3 days a week rocks!!! Your little girl is so cute. I can't wait to see her ( and you of course). Congrats on the raise. That's all you have to do, make yourself so valuable any thought of them loosing you makes them cry at night!! Miss you tons
For sure let me know if you need a break from Oaklie between work and school and everything. Even if you just want me to come hang out while you do homework- I'm available!
How do you know Katie and Justus?
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